Are you interested in being part of the suicide prevention solution on the Central Coast?

Are you passionate about suicide prevention? Would you like to help make a difference on the Central Coast?

If the answer to these questions is yes we’d like you to join our LifeSpan champion team.

Click here to watch a brief video on what LifeSpan is all about.

The role of a LifeSpan champion is to increase knowledge of and participation in LifeSpan  and Suicide Prevention. Champions come from different sectors of the community and are an integral link to their communities, appropriate resources and activities. By becoming a LifeSpan champion you become part of the solution.

What do champions do?

You will link people to resources such as free online training – Question Persuade Refer (QPR) and other resources. You promote various suicide prevention initiatives such as RUOK? Day. You attend events such as World Suicide Prevention Day and others to give out information and talk about what’s happening on the Central Coast in Suicide Prevention.

Who can be a champion?

Anyone can be a champion! You do not need any specific qualifications or titles to be a LifeSpan Champion. You do not need lived experience of suicide to become a champion. All you need is a passion for suicide prevention and a keen drive to make a difference in your local community.

How do I become a LifeSpan champion?

Email LifeSpan at .

Let us know you’d like to be a champion.

We’ll get in contact to talk about your particular interest in suicide prevention and how to become a champion. We provide free online training and support for our champions.

We will keep you updated on what is happening in the local community and provide plenty of opportunities to become involved.

Without our champions LifeSpan’s suicide prevention would not be as effective or be able to reach the people who need us the most. We look forward to hearing from you. Happy championing!