Any Day is OK to Ask R U OK?

R U OK? Day is our national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask, “Are you ok?”.  It’s about inspiring people to start these conversations every day of the year to support those struggling with life.

Sometimes, we may not feel confident if the person says, “No I’m not OK.”  And that’s OK.  You don’t have to be an expert to show you care.  Use these four steps to help navigate the conversation:

  1. Ask
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage Action
  4. Check In

You can check out the R U OK? Day resources and the Every Day Resources at

Help get your school, workplace and community asking, “Are you ok?”.

Suicide Prevention Central Coast has small grants available to support you to host an
R U OK? Day Community event!

The small grants are being offered to stage RU OK? Day activities or events on or around RU OK? Day – Thursday 12th September 2019.

For more information or to apply, click here (provide link to form) for the R U OK? Day Small Grant Application Form or email for a copy.  Grants close 19th July 2019.

R U OK? Conversation Convoy

The R U OK? Conversation Convoy travels around Australia to inspire everyone and give them the skills, motivation and confidence to start a conversation with anyone they might be worried about.  This year we are lucky to have the Convoy visiting the Central Coast on 10th July 2019.  The time and place is still to be decided so go to the R U OK? Website to get updates.

Important Dates

  • 10th July 2019 – R U OK? Conversation Convoy on the Central Coast
  • 19th July 2019 – Grant Applications close
  • 12th September 2019 – RU OK Day


Taking part can be as simple as learning R U OK?’s four steps so you can have a conversation that could change a life.

  1. Ask R U OK?
  2. Listen
  3. Encourage Action
  4. Check In